Special Electors Meeting Community Information

Published on Monday, 24 July 2023 at 3:00:16 PM


In case you haven’t heard, we have a Special Meeting of Electors coming up next week.

Questions about the meeting are flooding in, so here are some answers to your FAQs.


What is a Special Electors Meeting?

A Special Electors Meeting is a meeting of Electors, not Council. A Councillor will preside over the meeting and the CEO will ensure minutes are captured during the meeting and later made available to the public. Any decisions made during the Special Electors Meeting will be considered at the next practicable Ordinary Council Meeting.

How did this Special Electors Meeting come about?

The Shire President received a request with 373 signatures (the minimum requirement is 100) from Electors for a Special Electors Meeting to discuss "The decision of the Shire of Denmark Council on item 9.3.1 at the 18 April 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting which endorsed (among other things) the termination of the Lions Club lease of Pt Crown Reserve 30277 and the granting of an expanded lease over this reserve to the Kwoorabup Nature School.". The request met the minimum requirements to trigger a Special Electors Meeting which must be held within 35 days of the receival of the request according to the Local Government Act.

Who can attend the meeting?

All Electors of the Shire of Denmark district are welcome to attend.


How do I know if I’m an Elector?

You must be eligible to vote in the Shire of Denmark. There’s information about eligibility here: https://www.elections.wa.gov.au/enrol/local-government-enrolment


Can I send a proxy to stand in for me if I’m unable to attend?

No, all Electors who wish to attend the meeting must be there in person.


Will the meeting be livestreamed?



Do I have to attend the meeting to ensure my views are captured?

Any decision made during the Special Electors Meeting will be considered by Council. This means, the outcome of the Special Electors Meeting will not come into effect unless Council endorses it. So, if you are unable to attend the Special Electors Meeting but would still like to have your views represented in the decision-making process, you can write to the Shire or your local Councillor or you can attend the Ordinary Council Meeting when the outcome of the Special Electors Meeting is considered by the for Council.

What are the Special Electors Meeting conditions?

The most important is: all Electors present at the meeting must sign the Attendance Register with their name and address. The full list of meeting conditions can be accessed here: https://www.denmark.wa.gov.au/news/special-meeting-of-electors-to-be-held-on-tuesday-1-august/31159


Can I register to attend in advance?

No, meeting attendees must sign the Attendance Register upon arrival to the meeting.


Can I bring my kids?

Of course! But only Electors (aged 18+) are able to vote or speak at the meeting.


Will there be seating?

Limited seating will be available.


When should I arrive?

Please don’t arrive before 5.30pm. Registrations will open at 5.30pm for a 6pm start to the meeting.


Will I be able to speak at the meeting?

Debate will be limited to three speakers for the motion and three speakers against the motion at three minutes each.



WHEN: 6pm, Tuesday 1 August 2023

WHERE: Denmark Recreation Centre

WHY: to discuss "The decision of the Shire of Denmark Council on item 9.3.1 at the 18 April 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting which endorsed (among other things) the termination of the Lions Club lease of Pt Crown Reserve 30277 and the granting of an expanded lease over this reserve to the Kwoorabup Nature School."


It’s a bit confusing, but earlier the same day, the Shire of Denmark will hold a Special Meeting of Council at Council Chambers to discuss the 2023/24 Annual Budget and the Golden Hill Steiner School lease.

Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting at 4pm.



Our Governance Coordinator can help with queries.

Contact her on 9848 0324 or claire.thompson@denmark.wa.gov.au

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