
Since 1993, all Shire revegetation is undertaken by our Revegetation Officer and volunteers, using local provenance plant material propagated through our Revegetation Nursery. 

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History of our Revegetation Nursery

Over the 30 year tenure of retired Shire Revegetation Officer Mark Parre, more than 40 sites throughout the Shire ranging in size from several 100 square metres up to 15 hectares have been revegetated.

Mark has collected seed from more than 200 species, and used these to propagate and establish more than 700,000 plants. Mark has established many more through direct seeding - all with the help of community.

Mark’s dedication and tireless efforts have lead to the establishment of rehabilitated areas of healthy bushland which provides a habitat for local flora and fauna, while increasing biodiversity.

To celebrate Mark's legacy whilst in his role as Shire Revegetation Officer, a short film 'Bushland Healer' has been produced by Earthrise Productions showcasing the fantastic work that Mark has been able to achieve through his revegetation efforts healing the bush. 

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Bushland Healer

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Plant Propagation Tips (video series)

A 6 part series of short instructional films on Plant Propagation tips produced by Craig Carter from Earthrise Productions featuring Mark Parre can be accessed below.

Episode 1: Techniques for breaking seed dormancy of native wattles and peas with Mark Parre.

Episode 2: Sowing native seeds into cells and trays with Mark Parre.

Episode 3: Using smoke water to assist germination with Mark Parre.

Episode 4: Focus on Boronia: Cloning native plants through cuttings with Mark Parre.

Episode 5: Tour of the hot house, shade house and seed tunnel with Mark Parre.

Episode 6: Growing seedlings in the outdoor nursery prior to planting with Mark Parre.

Bonus Episode: Discover the Albany Pitcher Plant with Mark Parre.

Bonus Episode: Propagating Hibbertia from cuttings with Mark Parre.

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Our Sustainability Officer, Revegetation Officer and Reserves team can be reached at (08) 9848 0300 or

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